بمناسبة مرور 20 عام على انطلاقة شركتنا مطاحن ومحامص بن العميد في قطر وتماشياً مع الاستراتيجية الجديدة للشركة تم تغيير اسم الشركة في قطر الى محامص العابد
وما زلنا الوكلاء الحصريين لقهوة بن العميد الاردن
Bun Al Ameed Qatar
home of Hospitality, the charm of the oriental Products
Bun al Ameed is the leading company of high quality, coffee, dates, ORIENTAL sweet , nuts , chocolate , and PALESTINIEN products
Our products, which are made carefully using the finest ingredients and it’s provide our customers with elegant Packaging.
Bun Al Ameed is a Qatari Company, owned and managed by Village Trading Group W.L.L.
Bun Al Ameed established in State of Qatar on year 2002 which specialties in Roasting, Preparing and selling all kinds of Coffee & Nuts, and later adding a new product line Sweets & chocolates.
Bun Al Ameed business prosperity for the past 5 years and was able to put up 7 branches all over State of Qatar,
Bun Al Ameed one of the main suppliers to Government organization,
Looking forward to achieve customer’s need & satisfaction.
Our target has been to provide and distribute premium quality of product and to in continuous search to maintain the highest standards product in regent . and objective is to be amongst the leading Distributing of the highest quality product
Delivering the best quality & customer’s service.
We are strongly dedicated to operating through a high set of corporate values towards our business partners, employees, and consumers: Integrity, Commitment, and above all, Passion, our driving-force.
Whatever we do, we do it with fervor for perfection and a highly-caring attitude towards environment.
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تين، فراولة، مشمش، مهما كان ذوقكم في المربى ،نضمن رضاكم التام عن منتجاتنا وذلك بتقديم مجموعة متنوعة من المربى التي تنال اعجاب كافة الأذواق.
Fig, strawberry, apricot, whatever your taste is, we guarantee your satisfaction with our products by offering a wide variety of jams that...
نحن نستطيع! فلقد أثبتت الدراسات العلمية فوائد صحية عدة للقهوة منها:-
تقوية الذاكرة
تقليل الاكتئاب
تقليل خطر الإصابة بالسرطان
الوقاية من الإصابة بالسكري
تحفيز عملية التمثيل الغذائي
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