Pinkie lulu

Cakes in qatar / al khour Homemade from scratch just for you please place your orders as early as possible to ensure the availability of the date. your order is only confirmed by receiving a payment Not taking orders at the moment
Pinkie Lulu is the brand name of the character I designed specially for a kids magazine to teach kids about easy and healthy deserts at home . after the magazine was closed Pinkie Lulu continued her recipes and started selling her homemade products through her friends and on the internet too on this page you will find recipes and photos of our homemade products and new ideas for your healthy deserts that you can order we only work in Qatar لولو الورديه هو اسم الشخصيه التي صممتها لتعطي وصفات لعمل حلويات منزليه في مجلة اطفال كانت تطبع في قطر وبعد اغلاق المجلة استمرت لولو الورديه في عمل وصفاتها وبدأت في بيع منتجاتها عن طريق الأصدقاء و الإنترنت في هذه الصفحه ستستمتعون بوصفات لولو الورديه للحلويات المنزليه و صور لمنتجاتنا التي يمكنكم ان تتواصلوا معنا لطلبها نعمل في قطر فقط

Pinkie lulu elérhetősége


Cím: Qatar, Al Khor, Qatar

Pinkie lulu értékelései

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I always work with my feelings, the best cake/art I've done has always been the one I can truly harness the power of my emotions as I work.
This one was done with loads of love and thoughtfulness, reduced sugar, dark chocolate, and I managed to make a reduced sugar Bischoff drip frosting too.

Pinkie lulu, 2020.05.09.

Khaled and basma's wedding cake taken by @azizeissa
Thank you so much for the amazing picture

Pinkie lulu, 2020.02.21.
