Experience Ifthar food that is swiftly delivered to your doorstep...
Call/Whatsup 33318311, 44418300
Chickees Restaurant, 2020.04.23.
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Experience Ifthar food that is swiftly delivered to your doorstep...
Call/Whatsup 33318311, 44418300
Chickees Restaurant, 2020.04.23.
#Stay_Home #Stay_Safe
Valid until 10/04/2020
Call 44418300/33318311
Chickees Restaurant, 2020.04.03.
Stay Home & Stay Healthy...
Dial us when you feel hungry...
Tel: 44418300 Mob. 33318311
Chickees Restaurant, 2020.03.18.
Northern Rye: Redefining British Bakery Delights in Newcastle