Ima's Kitchen

Food Food Food and all about Food
This page is all about food... U can share recipes, Facts about different types of fruits and vegetables.. and so much more. as long as its about food food and food.. Happy cooking!

Ima's Kitchen contact


address: Markham, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ima's Kitchen opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open open
  • Sunday always open

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Ima's Kitchen information

price category:

$$ mid price

Ima's Kitchen facebook posts

Home made Chicken and Beef Kanji with Maldivfish Sambol will be available on the 15th of December. Pick up after 4.00 pm.

Confirm the orders by the 12th of December.
#supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #downtowntoronto #downtownmarkham...

Ima's Kitchen, 2020.12.07.

It’s the most Wonderful Tims of the year! @timhortons
#timhortonscanada #timhortonscanada??

Ima's Kitchen, 2020.11.22.

Today I took a long time to think what I was to prepare for Dinner tonight. I anyways kept the Salmon out to defrost. But what do I do with it? So as usual, I was on Pinterest, finding inspiration for Salmon and found a Noodle Dish with Salmon. Whenever I see a recipe, I always think I’am going...

Ima's Kitchen, 2020.03.04.


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