Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha

Middle Eastern Restaurant

Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha contact


address: Melia Hotel No-61 district zone, West Bay- Doha, 90840 Doha

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$$$ high price

Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha facebook posts

Introducing Outlook Social Media Awards, to honour those who crack boundaries with their tweets and posts, and for the common good

Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha, 2016.08.16.

Make cooking easier with these amazing #FoodHacks

Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha, 2016.08.02.

“Are you ready to cast your vote at the #LFPA to make sure the Best TV Host wins? Get voting!”

Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor-Melia, Doha, 2016.08.01.


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